
Seasons are no more the same
Dear friends, some time has gone by since my last update from Gittana. No wonder to anyone that climate changes are already influencing our daily life very seriously everywhere in the world. We had our part of it too. Last time i remember such a rainy summer it was back in 2002 when i was still living in Chianti Classico. A full summer of rain, day after day! We need to rechange our grey batteries like solar panels. Ohh what a feeling! it hasn't stopped raining and it's the mid of November. The whole country is badly underwater still. Very little I was able to achieve this year during the summer. We didn't even go for one swim on the lake! Thank God i have done the most important projects before May. If you are one of my FB followers, You know I have planted a beautiful olive grove right above town in April. A total of 47 trees were planted in my old great grandfather vineyard in which i found such an incredible soil. I was very anxious i wouldn't be able to water them during the summer, and that i had to consider some serious losses in case of drought. Thank God it wasn't the case this year! All trees are doing very well they are actually quite tired of water now! On the other side of the same coin cultivating my veggie garden was an absolute adventure. This year thanks to the new mulching film i bought i was one of the very few picking tomatoes and other kind of vegetables. You must have seen my pics on FB, if not go Like my page, scroll on Sept 5 and virtually enjoy my tomatoes! Very few of you had the possibilities to taste their fulfilling wonderful flavour! I made around 200 kg of potatoes, lots of zucchini and my famous zucchini flowers and a bit of everything! In the end i was pretty much satisfied but it was a real struggle to grow anything! A part from the green side of my life I had the chance to meet some more beautiful people at my holiday apartments. I thank everyone who came to stay with me this summer from all over the world! I was sorry for some of them for finding such a difficult weather! it's always sad to go on vacation and find bad weather! I wish I could do something about it! In May I had girls from different part of the world coming to see me on a Cat Stevens fan reunion! What a day it was when we finally met! it was the worst day of rain. It started wrong and it ended worse! fell from the stairs, broke my car, make it back home walking 30 min. under the most disastrous weather, broke my phone, etc etc! but one beautiful thing was to meet these girls! One girl from Sweden and one from Chicago with family! isn't it amazing what passions could make people do? Thanks Cat Stevens!
It was a difficult year for everyone in the area. We, who work in the tourism business, make a lot of investments at the beginning of every year and we pray for a good season to come! this 2014 will be remembered by everyone as the worse ever in decades! ( a part for those lucky folks in Bellagio) I have to start planning the new season. I hope to receive new bookings and to meet new people all the time! Which is essential for my spirit and of course to survive these really hard time we are all going through! So if you wish to come over next year do not hesistate to contact me and don't forget to share to your friends! Sharing is caring! thank you friends new updates soon! i promise! Alex