
It's springtime in Gittana!!
Dear Friends, here we are! still moving things around in Gittana !
Springtime has arrived and together with it millions of things to do and organize. As a lot of you already know the past years i focused all my phisical and creative energies in restoring the apartments now available for rental in the ancient Borgo. At the moment i can offer three really lovely flats completely restored and fully equipped for my guests needs.
This year I have started focusing full time on improving the green side of our family assets. Springtime has arrived early on Lake Como. The month of March has started with unusual hot temperatures that induced every green creature to explode in all their gorgeousness of colors and perfumes! Like every year I plan new projects for myself, my family and the town. In March and April three projects have been already been accomplished. Project n°1 Trees needed to get cut on the old Great grandfather land. They were too high and dangerous for the Viandante trail. A really tough job that couldn't been done without some wonderful people that helped us ( Brother Massimiliano included ). Tree climbers are amazing people! Better than monkeys! Trees had to get cut in order to clear space for my project n°2 which is planting my humble but unique olive grove that with time will hopefully offer a special Alex's Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Hopefully! and project n°3 is organizing a new system of coltivating my veggies using a mulching film that will make my life easier down in my garden. My potatoes plantation is done already. I also placed a new fence around my garden. The old poles were totally gone. And.... I also added a new member to my family! :-) Lina! she is my new gallina / hen. She is giving me really nice and fresh eggs already!
Sooo A lot of outdoor activities this year!! I still hope to welcome old and new friends in my Holiday apartments! Your support is essential to me by sharing my contacts to your friends and acquaintances! life is a bit more difficult here ... even if only 5 min. away from Varenna. Thank you for following me through my posts and pictures on my website, facebook and twitter! Ciao Alessandra and Pippo